Webinar / seminar - Skill Raise

Webinar / seminar

Do you know majority of the people fail in stock markets because

  • they fail to distinguish between investments, trading and speculation
  • lack of discipline
  • lack of knowledge to identify markets / stocks
  • failure to find the right position size and follow risk management
  • lack of money management

Attend the webinar that can transform your life by providing you with alternate source of Income!

Registrations open for Upcoming
Online Eye-Opener!

Who can attend this webinar?

  • Students
  • Retired Persons
  • Housewives
  • Employees seeking a second source of income
  • Complete Beginners in Trading
  • Mid-level/ Experienced traders who have been suffering losses

This 3 Hours Session will showcase the Roadmap to Success in Stock Investment & Trading with orientation, for absolute beginners!

Your Key Takeaways from the Webinar:

  • Identifying the root cause of failures in stock market
  • Distinguish between investments, trading and speculation

  • Chart patterns, Price action, technical indicators, market internals

  • Recognize the trending, trading and reversal markets

  • How to instill discipline

  • How to cut-off Noise

  • Position sizing and risk management

  • How to scale-up your trading account in-spite of beginning small

We work on building disciplined, process-driven stock market traders with the right mindset and personality to succeed in the stock market! These qualities along with proven strategies, guidance and support we provide helps create successful stock market traders.

Take Your First Step towards Learning the Science behind Stock Market Trading & Become a Master Trader in your own right!!

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